Pignolo - Ermacora



Manufacturer: Ermacora

Pignolo is somewhat reminiscent of the Friulian farmer's hand: callous and full of experience, but soft in its gestures. It is the product you would not expect to find in a region famous for white wines. If we can still find Pignolo grapes in the bottle today, it is thanks to the determination of a very few winegrowers who have dedicated their attention to a wine that was initially surly, and which only thanks to time and care in the cellar has become a great international red wine. Alcohol: 15%.

Pignolo is ideal for accompanying important meat and furry game dishes, but it also graciously accompanies bean soups and mature cheeses.To enjoy it at its best, we suggest serving it at a temperature between 16 and 18 degrees.
TO THE FACE Dense, almost impenetrable ruby. TO THE NOSE Black cherry and blackberry preserves alternate with notes of black pepper, cloves, liquorice, nutmeg, resins, cinchona and burnt wood. IN THE BOWL The taste is dominated by vigorous tannins, but controlled by the balanced presence of savoury and glyceric components that make the sip enriched by continuous fruity and spicy hints.

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